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New Releases

Iowa State University is releasing new non-GMO Soybean varieties from two breeding programs i.e (1) Disease Resistant Soybean varieties from Dr. Silvia Cianzio's breeding program and (2) Foodgrade Soybean Varieties from Dr. Asheesh Singh's breeding program.

NEW IN 2021!

(1) Disease Resistant Soybean Varieties

Expect more Disease Resistant Soybean varieties to be released this year!

Data about the new soybeans embedded in an image.

Please contact Dr. Dianah R. Ngonyama for an agreement or seed request questions at germplasm@iastate.eduor the Soybean Breeder, Dr. Silvia Cianzio (, at email and mobile#: 515-203-5141

(2) Food Grade Soybean Varieties

Screenshot of the new ISURF Soybean PDF. Click to download.

Please contact the Iowa State University Research Foundation at germplasm@iastate.eduor the Soybean Breeder, Dr. Asheesh Singh, at email and mobile#: 515-294-3268.

Get more information on previous releases.